Palm oil
Crude palm oil (CPO) and Crude Palm Kernel Oil (CPKO) are perennial crops that require a long-term vision with the majority of the world’s production coming from Indonesia and Malaysia followed by Thailand.
The global Palm Oil market is expected to grow with rising global population, and it could reach US$52.3 Billion by 2025. Colombia is the world’s (4th) largest producer of palm oil, accounting for 2% of global crude palm oil production and the (2nd) when it comes to production of sustainable palm oil.
Colombia’s palm oil producers have become examples of agricultural best practices sharing the region’s ecosystems and biodiversity with the land used to plant palm. Simply put, we are committed to addressing the direct ties of environmental concerns with the development of novel infrastrucuture solutions and ecosystems services.
In Colombia, the consumption of palm oil and its by-products are a fundamental input for various industries and have a growing demand due to their versatility and cost compared to other oils. Sustainable palm oil, or palm that is produced adhering to certain standards and not requiring deforestation. Prestige Group is producing 100% sustainable palm oil.
Prestige Group understands the environmental initiatives of palm oil production and is therefore part of the continuous dialogue between producers, consumers and interest groups in the sector.